A large number of women love high heels because they make them look and feel sexy. The shoes have a way of adding to a woman’s sway as she walks and they can actually be very empowering when they are worn sensibly. However, it cannot be ignored that high heels can make you suffer, especially when you end up making the wrong shoe choice. Very high shoes can end up stressing the feet and this will not end well and the same goes for shoes that are not the right fit. But by making a few considerations before you make a purchase, your chances of getting high heels that will make you suffer are greatly reduced.

Heel width – There are so many types of high heels and they come with different heel widths. To make sure you make a choice bound to be comfortable for your feet, let your body frame guide you in making the choice. It is advisable for lean women to go for thinner heels and for women with larger frames to choose shoes with thicker heels.

Heel length – When going for high heeled shoes, ensure that you choose a heel length that you can comfortably walk in. Remember the higher the heel, the greater the agony is going to be. High heels have a tendency of causing back, knee and foot pains. You also do not want to end up in heels that can make you topple over or heels that give you an awkward walking style. A good rule should be to start from shorter heels like the 3 inch and 4 inch ones and then work it up as you become used to the shoes.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9363135